Not all Virtual Assistants are the same. Here’s what makes me different…

Jo O'Neil
5 min readJun 17, 2021

I am sure we all know that person who is always half an hour early for everything, has an itinerary whenever they go anywhere (either in their head or a physical one) and gets twitchy when they see your PC desk top is covered in a million icons. The type of person that if you are doing something as a group you know will sort everything out — because otherwise they will ask ten million questions you probably haven’t even considered.

Yeah, that’s me.


Of course, I am not saying this is a bad thing, my husband certainly doesn’t think so! He will be consulted on trips and dates and such then he doesn’t have to worry about anything be-cause he knows I will sort everything down to the minute details and he just has to check the calendar. I let him sort something once, and never again, it was far too stressful! (and yes, I am quite proud that this is the way I think) I even have friends who refer to me as organisy-bear because it seems to just be naturally, what I do.

So how does this translate into being a Virtual Assistant and how does it help businesses?

Well that need to have everything neat and tidy, everything in it’s correct place, is also how I work. I can look at an email inbox with 7000 unread emails, 20000 actual emails and absolutely no method of finding what you are looking for other than the always crap search function and not break a sweat. In fact, just in glancing at it I will already be categorising things in my head and working out what folders are required to sort through the mess. Or take pleasure in sorting out a diary that is colour coded to each type of task and event that will remind you where you need to be and when. That is as they say, my jam.

It seems a lot of people find this kind of organising tedious to do and so will put it off until the job looks overwhelming — then not only do they not know where to start, but no longer have the time to sit and do it. But it me, it is a job worth doing and will save so much time and frustration in the long run! Trust me, I know what I am talking about — and if I don’t, well I will go research something until I do. Never underestimate the methodical, logical brain!

For example, I have a lovely client who is fabulous at what they do, is always on the go, with a million ideas a minute. But they still have a paper diary and an email inbox that would make most cry. They decided it was time to take the plunge get everything online, including bookings, so I could then help keep them organised — including making sure some downtime was scheduled in.

I had already made a start on their super messy inbox and were planning on sorting their contacts database as well — once we had both learned to use HubSpot, but an excel sheet to start. So this was really just an extension of that.

Instead of just diving straight in with bravado and using the first program I came across for this I thought I should do some research (methodical, remember?) I started looking at different programs to help after finding out what criteria the client needed and wanted and what I knew they would also need — I even created a table to compare programs.

I wont start someone on a program that I haven’t either tried myself or been recommended by someone I know knows their stuff. After several comparisons I found one that maybe promising so signed up to give it a try. Well a good hour later that was binned! It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good enough either — I have standards you know. So the search continues. I will find an appropriate platform, poke it until I know exactly what it does then I will sort out my wonderful clients’ needs and get them all set up happy in the knowledge that I can get them organised, keep them on track but most importantly know I can teach them to do it them-selves if they need to.

I have also got clients whoes websites I maintain — because I love a good bit of tech!

But why is this different than most VAs and why is it important?

Well VAs tend to all have a different skill sets, they will probably be quite organised in their own work but may not know how to get you organised — I do, it is what I do.

But can you imagine it? You go into your emails everyday — they are all in folders so you can quickly find anything for reference you want. Anything important that needs your attention is flagged up for you, queries sat waiting — maybe some have even been answered on your be-half!

In your diary — that can be accessed from your desktop or phone — there are new bookings in for the times you said you were available, with automated responses to them and a reminder for you of when and where they are. Time is blocked out for certain tasks, colour coded so your day is mapped out in front of you — with time to take breaks as well (you remember those…right?)

Your contact database is up to date — with new contacts and clients added and any that don’t wish to hear from you removed, an email campaign running to keep those bookings coming in.

Your travel for the month is already sorted — and note added to your calendar so you don’t even have to think about it until the day.

There is even the odd personal errand that’s being sorted so you don’t have to worry about when you will find the time to fit it in.

Everything is organised, calm and stress-free.

Think about how much time this would save — and therefore money — hey those bookings may even make you money! That’s why you need a VA like me — okay maybe specifically me! Your life will be organised around you and you could get on with doing the job you love, that makes you money, without all the stress and worry that comes with being all over the place.

Now wouldn’t that be nice; and dare I say essential?

Why don’t you contact me (drop me an email or give me a call) and we’ll get your life organised and boost your business.



Jo O'Neil

Marketing Virtual Assistant & Social Media Manager: Brighten Up Your Marketing with Bright Cat Business Solutions